Monday, September 16, 2013

Reading Comprehension Lessons

Developing Reading Comprehension Lessons

There are many reading comprehension lesson plans available to download from the Internet. These templates provide all manner of plans and can be duplicated and integrated into a classroom curriculum. When looking for a reading lesson plan, take into account software titles, student assignments, lesson goals, the technology needed, assessment, and the context of what is being taught. Many of these reading lessons can be adapted to suit the needs of a specific environment, with just a little additional effort.

Content Type

It is important to consider the type of knowledge that a particular reading plan is striving to impart. Concepts such as fluency, phonics, and listening are јust a few aspects of comprehension. These sub-headings can be important parts of your lesson plan. The first column on your plan's grid should focus on these topics that you want the lesson plan to help with. Having the lesson plan laid out in a grid makes it convenient to modify and use as a future template.

The second important characteristic of a reading comprehension plan involved the standards that the lessons will be using or striving towards. For instance, things like English/L.A.6, 5, 4 could be brought up in this category. After that, it is important for the different software programs that will be necessary to be listed. Some programs may use Kid Pix, Access, or Excel. There are more titles available each day that can be blended well with a student's classwork. Having the proper software can help children with a variety of learning styles follow the comprehension plan in a way that best suits them.

The comprehension lesson plan template should also state what assessments should be developed and reviewed prior to the beginning of the project. It is also important to note if students will be able to look over the software to get acquainted with it before they begin their lessons. It can be helpful for students to develop a level of comfort with any new program before they are expected to perform in an assessment situation.

The last point that a plan should state clearly is in what manner the students need to prepare before their lessons. Will there be learning based on projects? What types of groups will be used? It is also important to identify any technological problems that may need to be addressed with students. A set of goals that the students need to achieve should be clearly spelled out in the lesson plan.

Once teachers have a basic template for a lesson plan, they can infinitely adjust it to meet the needs of their students and classroom environment. Spend time browsing the available material online to find the best template for your students. Less work will need to be done adjust the plan if the most appropriate one is chosen.

Check out this link for come complete, easy to use lesson plans:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Benefits of Using A Chair for My Mother for Reading

A Chair for My Mother is a known book for kids. This is also a good book to be used in teaching kids reading lesson plans. It has a simple and easy plot that makes it fit for elementary students.

There are a number of A Chair for My Mother lesson plans that you can use in teaching reading to your students. You can modify and create your own lesson plan that suits the story and your students well.

There are also enough words in the book that can help in enhancing the students' vocabulary. You can also test their spelling skills by requesting them to spell some of the words that are found in the book. You can come up with a lot of tests with the book. You can have a grammar test by letting your students identify the verbs that are in the present and the past tenses.

You can also engage your students in a short discussion about A Chair for My Mother. Ask them if they understood the story. This will gauge their reading comprehension. You can also ask them if they are also saving money and what plans they have for their savings.

Test their writing skills by asking them to write a short narrative about the book. Let them be creative and tell them to write an extension of the story. This can be a good homework and an interactive activity, especially when you let them read their extension aloud to the class.

Aside from just teaching reading lesson plans to your students, A Chair for My Mother also teaches them other good qualities that are in the story. It teaches them the value of saving money, earning money, and helping others in need. Other qualities like love, thrift, perseverance, and patience are also taught in the book.

The interesting plot will help in encouraging students to read and learn good values. There are also a lot of different lesson plan ideas that you can extract from the book. The story also cuts across different subjects, which makes it a good book to read.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to School Books

Back to School Books
Wondering how to turn a class room full of strangers into a community of learners?  Try reading back to school themed books aloud to your students.  Whether you teach kindergarten or tenth grade, reading books aloud is one of the best ways to break the ice during the first days of school.  When you share well written, engaging stories with your students, you provide them with a sense of common knowledge and give them something to connect with.  A well stocked arsenal of back to school books can also serve as a springboard for discussing classroom expectations, bullying and team work. The following are some back to school book suggestions that you might use with your students:
First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg is an irresistible choice for back to school books that will bring comical relief to the most weary of readers.  First Day Jitters is the story of Sarah Jane Hartwell, a girl who does not want to go to her first day of school.  She, like most students, is worried that she won’t know anyone.  As she drives to school, her hands are clammy, and she is short of breath.  She has a terrible case of the First Day Jitters.  It is not until the end of the book that the girl’s identify is revealed.  Sarah Jane is actually a brand new teacher!  Readers will delight in the surprise ending as they realize teachers get first day jitters too!  When you combine this book with First Day Jitters Lesson Plans that support reading comprehension, you can teach your students to enjoy books and better comprehend.  You might design or find First Day Jitters lesson plans to teach students how to make connections, retell, make inferences and make predictions.
Chrysanthemum is another good back to school books pick.  Through combining this book with Chrysanthemum Lesson Plans, students will learn to comprehend and enjoy books.  While reading, readers will be reminded to think before they speak.  Before going to school, Chrysanthemum thought her name was the most wonderful name in the world.  She loved the way it looked when it was written with ink on an envelope, she loved the way it looked when it was written with icing on a birthday cake and she loved the way it looked when she wrote it herself using a fat orange crayon.  In summary, Chrysanthemum thought her name was absolutely perfect.  Then she started school where jealous bullies made her feel badly about her name and about herself.  Chrysanthemum’s experience with her first few days of school will remind readers how important it is to treat one another with respect. Chrysanthemum will find a way into your students’ hearts and quickly become a favorite among your back to school books.  Revisit this book and use Chrysanthemum Lesson Plans to improve reading comprehension among your students.  Design or find Chrysanthemum Lesson Plans to teach readers how to retell, make connections, identify the author’s message and make predictions.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Using First Day Jitters Lesson Plans in Your Classroom

First Day Jitters is a amazing book to employ in your room. You will be able to develop quite a few First Day Jitters lesson plans to enhance reading in your classroom.This text works well since students will connect with the theme of the text. You could use this book to build classroom community or teach reading comprehension strategies.
First Day Jitters is the story of Sarah Jane Hartwell, a girl who does not want to go to her first day of school. She, like most students, is worried that she won’t know anyone. She is uncomfortable with the thought of going to a different school. Sarah has a terrible case of the First Day Jitters. At the end of the book the audience understands that Sarah is not what they thought Sarah Jane is not a student. She is really a teacher Students will really like the big surprise ending and will discover that teachers get first day jitters too!
When producing First Day Jitters lesson plans you might decide to teach readers to make connections, retell, make inferences, and make predictions. Fist Day Jitters lesson plans could be used in many instructional settings, including whole group and small group instruction
It is important to read the whole book before you begin to teach reading comprehension strategies When you read the book before introducing a reading comprehension strategy, students gain a fundamental awareness of the text and will be able to attempt numerous comprehension strategies to build their understanding.
If you use First Day Jitters lesson plans to teach readers how to make connections, you should ask them questions prior to reading the text. Try asking students to remember their first day of school. Ask them questions about what they were scared of and how they felt Ask students to share what the expression jitters means to them. By asking students these types of questions, you help them to connect to the book. Next allow the students to write about the connections they made to the text. Give to them a reader’s notebook and allow them to illustrate a picture or write about their first day of school.